The adults
Bøllen Skov- og idrætsinstitution
Bøllefrø 0-2 years


Pedagogical assistant


Pedagogical assistant
Bøller 2-3 years


Pedagogical assistant

Pedagogical assistant

Pedagogical assistant
Banditter (3-5) & Bisser (5-6)


Pedagogical assistant


Pedagogical assistant
Parent board




Kitchen staff

Kitchen assistant

Institution leader & pedagogue

Daily leader & pedagogue
Certified sports institution
The pedagogical staff in the Forest & Sports Institution Bøllen is trained in pedagogical sports at DIF and VIA University College.

Pedagogical documentation tools
The staff at Skov- & Idrætsinstitutionen Bøllen use the following tools in their pedagogical work to, among other things, document, make individual and joint action plans, prepare parent interviews and enter into interdisciplinary collaboration with Vejle Municipality’s Interdisciplinary Center for Children and Young People (TCBU).
Pædagogisk Idræt K1.
Pædagogisk Idræt K2.
Pedagogy students
In Skov- & Idrætsinstitutionen Bøllen we work closely with University College Lillebælt, the pedagogical education in Jelling.
We accept students in all three internship periods to the extent possible for us.
As a student at Skov- & Idrætsinstitutionen Bøllen, the student gets the opportunity to become academically well-founded and develop his or her professional identity, as well as receive sparring and guidance from a trained internship supervisor and the department’s staff.

Exchange students
Skov- & Idrætsinstitutionen Bøllen is affiliated with AFS Interkultur Danmark.
We receive exchange students from all over the world. The student participates in the daily work of the institution and participates in events.
As an exchange student at Skov- & Idrætsinstitutionen Bøllen, the student gets the opportunity to get to know Danish culture and language, acquire Danish-language skills and become acquainted with the pedagogical work in a Danish integrated day care institution.
When we receive exchange students, the parent group in the Forest & Sports Institution Bøllen is contacted prior to the stay in order to find a host family for the student.