

We always welcome every request from parents to visit the Forest & Sports Institution Bøllen.
Our staff is always helpful with a tour and to provide answers to any questions you as a parent may have prior to your child’s start-up in an institution.

Once you have made your choice, simply fill out a registration form and send it by email.

We will give you a written confirmation when we have received the registration and then you will be contacted for a visit to the institution, where you and your child will be shown around and given all the necessary information prior to start.

Registration for the Nursery
Registration for the Kindergarten

Welcome to the Nursery
Welcome to the Kindergarden


According to the articles of association of Skov- & Idrætsinstitutionen Bøllen, there is a 3-month notice period.

Each termination must be submitted in writing to our mail. You will then receive a confirmation that your child has been discharged from the Forest & Sports Institution Bøllen.

Bøllen’s articles of association 2024

When you register your child in the Forest & Sports Institution Bøllen, you undertake to follow our articles of association, including, among other things, participation in working days, timely and correct withdrawal and more.

Bøllen’s articles of association 2024